Useful info

Everything you need to know before and during your trip to Andalucia. Useful and necessary info that will help you when travelling to Andalucia.

Where to park in Seville

If you plan on visiting Seville by car, knowing where to park your vehicle is fundamental. Thanks to Ruralidays, you ... [see more]

Where to park in Malaga

If you’re planning on visiting Malaga by car, knowing where to park your vehicle is fundamental. Discover with Ruralidays where ... [see more]

Best time to visit Andalucia

Do you know when the best time to visit Andalucia is? Discover when to travel to Andalucia: dates, events, cuisine, ... [see more]

Best time to visit Cordoba

If you want to know which the best time to visit Cordoba is, don’t miss out on this information on ... [see more]

Best time to visit Granada

The city of the Alhambra is one of the Andalusian jewels. Discover the best time to visit Granada and what ... [see more]

Best time to visit Seville

Discover, thanks to Ruralidays, the best time to visit Seville and make the most of its dreamlike landscapes and awe-inspiring ... [see more]

What to do in Aracena in one day

If you’re asking yourself what to do in Aracena, don’t put off a visit to the town. You’ll discover how ... [see more]